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How to Create the Perfect Instagram Influencer Media Kit

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Influencer (n.) - "a user on social media who has established credibility in a specific industry. A social media influencer has access to a large audience and can persuade others by virtue of their authenticity and reach." (via Pixlee)

A few years ago, we didn't even have the term "influencer" or "Instagram influencer" or anything along those lines. In my opinion, Instagram influencers are great (well, the authentic ones are!). Not only is it great for companies to reach larger audiences, but literally anyone with a smartphone, a few social channels, and a knack for photography can become an influencer... if done correctly. But what gives influencers that extra oomph?

It's simple. If you truly want to jump into this crazy Instagram Influencer-led world, you're going to need a media kit. Think of your media kit as a digital resume that encompasses everything from social media channels, interests, and costs. Especially when you're reaching out to companies, they want to be able to quickly glance over your media kit and immediately understand your entire social brand and what you can bring to their own marketing efforts.

But make sure your influencer media kit includes these 8 elements:

Social Media Channels

Include ALL of your channels - starting with your most prominent. Make sure you include a direct link for every single one so it's easy for companies to quickly go through your profiles and ensure you're a good fit. Also, include your follower numbers as well. If you don't, companies won't even give you a chance (unless some miracle happens). Also, more importantly, include your reach and engagement rates in this section. Your followers mean nothing unless you have a high engagement rate to prove it.


Every social platform now has the capability of showing you demographics. Companies want to know who your primarily followers are, and if it aligns to their own demographic. Include everything from age, gender, and location - everything else isn't necessary! If your demographic aligns with the brand, you're more likely to get a collaboration.

About You

Write a few sentences about yourself. Be professional, but also make sure your personality shines through! What are you passionate about? Why are you an influencer? When did your interest in this industry start? Let them get to know you!


If you're at a place to start charging for influencer marketing, it's definitely important to include your rates in your media kit. When you provide your rates up-front, the company can quickly determine whether or not they have the budget to include you in their influencer marketing strategy. This will also allow them to file you away for future budget-dependent campaigns.


What can you do for a company as an influencers? This is perhaps the most important section of your media kit. Companies want to know what types of posts you would provide if they were to collaborate with you. Will you do a styled photoshoot? A product review? An Instagram post? A giveaway? Tell them what you're capable of, and if your rates vary per service. Clearly write out all of your potential services. If you're open for customization, write that in a small asterisk afterwards.

Previous Work

Which brands have you previously worked with? Big or small, it's important to show that off. Show that you're not just starting off and that you do take you social media influencer job seriously. I'd recommend that you include just a short list of companies - no need to get flashy and include their logos as well. You media kit has limited space, so keep this section limited to the biggest brands you've worked with in the past year (keep it current!).

Contact Information

Equally as important - how can brands contact you? Make it easy for them to reach you. This includes your email, phone number, and mailing address (for product deliveries).

Aesthetically Pleasing

Last but not least, make sure your media kit is visually appealing! I'll be honest - if your media kit has five different fonts and sizes, seven different colors, and is not aligned correctly, you probably won't get that collaboration you've been yearning for. I can't even explain the amount of times I've seen these types of media kits. Keep it clean and crisp - don't overdo it with the visuals. Just keep this in mind: less is more; minimalism is in; and NEVER use more than two different fonts.

Now get out there and make some magic with your media kits! You'll be collaborating with more companies in no time.

If you need that extra oomph, check out my favorite media kit templates.

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